Last 5 Posts from 2007/November/04

Presentation slides from ELC-2007 available

Ok, it's a long time since my last post, but I'm really busy improving EFL, developing Canola (the whole team is, that's why you see no posts from them either) and also with some presentations about EFL.

Today I've presented at CELF Embedded Linux Conference 2007, Linz, Austria, the title was "Fancy and Fast GUIs on Embedded Devices" and is now available online at Maybe it's useful to you (trying to get your managers to use something else than GTK/SDL for embedded devices?).

The conference was really great, I've met some great hackers that I just know from mail/IRC and could talk again with others that I already knew from other conferences. Free software hackers are usually very kind.

People's reaction was quite positive, most people realize that trying to modify GTK to fit desired effects or building on top of SDL are both way too painful. I'm not saying that these are bad and nobody should use it, but that they have their own niche and trying to have them to cover the whole word is a bit difficult.

Related to this, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) (EFL lead developer) was officially announced as "Lead Architect - Graphics" at OpenMoko, a previously GTK-only device. He will not vanish with GTK, but instead create nice native applications, full of special effects and so, that's cooperation, each technology doing their best to achieve the final goal: usable interfaces.

UPDATE: Video (OGG/Theora) is now available:,;=en